Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fast home acne spot and mui lee hiang ,cream, cream for acne and sg skin fesh lotion

The best way to treat acne is to find what works for your skin type and acne and stick with it. A daily routine should be put in place to help resolve and control future acne outbreaks. If scarring from acne has already occurred there are also treatments that can help prevent future scarring as well as remove scars that are already in place. You should see a dermatologist to discuss your options.
Acne is a condition where your skin becomes extremely sensitive and this is the time where it needs extreme care. Negligence can lead to devastating results and nothing should be taken for granted when having issues with acne. You see there are several deadly mistakes people make with acne which not only affects them in the long term but it worsens their already bad condition. Read on to discover some of the most deadliest mistakes you must avoid when suffering from acne...
Take steam baths for your face. Fill a bowl with boiling water, add a little tea tree oil and hover your face at least 10cm above the water. Cover your head with a towel to keep steam in and leave for 5 minutes - but remember to come up every so often to get some fresh air. This helps open up your pores.
tags: octogan lye soap acne, natural acne creams, best makeup for acne prone skin

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