Thursday, July 3, 2008

Over the counter acne treatment for african american skin and acne care product skin

However, no matter how sophisticated dermatologic treatments are, absolute restoration of the skin cannot be assured most of the time. But it can actually enhance the appearance of the skin as best as possible.
The reason for acne is always debatable is there are always different theories on what causes acne. This can range from genes, bad use of skin care products, poor hygiene, bad diet, the weather, stress, hormones and the list is actually quite endless.
2. Garlic juice can work wonders to get rid of acne. Who would have thought? The trick is to cut up the raw garlic and let this soak in whole milk for about 45 minutes to an hour. The milk helps to cut down the odor of the garlic. Gently rub this mixture on your face and let dry. Treat the infected acne area in the evening and leave on over night. This garlic mixture will reduce the swelling and help dry out the infected areas, clearing up the acne.
tags: acne medications in pregnancy, acne face peel, does baby wipes help with acne

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