Thursday, July 3, 2008

What dermatologists say about acne and how to prevent acne

I know what you're thinking. Everybody has their own theory on what causes acne and there is so much debate that finding the cause of acne is made much more complex than it really ought to actually be. If you've been trying to find info on clearing your acne then I'm sure you've read a lot of very strange and out there ideas.
One of the age old remedies which had been and still in use is the usage of the rose hip oil to remove the acne scars left behind. This type of remedy has been used by the people of South America from hundreds of years. The usage of the rose hip oil is very good for various skin problems like acne, chicken pox even for the scars left by burns and wounds. It even shows a dramatic healing effect on the scars left by boils and face injuries. It has a re-hydrating effect on the skin which gives a more elastic texture to the skin. It gives a very nice moisturizing effect on your skin. It even reduces the wrinkles and the age marks. It rejuvenates the skin and makes your face look much healthier and younger. It reduces the pigmentation and removes the dark spots from your skin.
When I found out that diet really was the only way to clear my acne, I looked into it and found that vegetable oil was supposed to be the worst food to eat. By avoiding vegetable oil my CYSTIC acne cleared up dramatically, in a matter of days.
tags: tips acne skin care, which hormones cause pregnancy acne, acne free scar removing lotion

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