Monday, August 4, 2008

Best way to get rid of acne and can amoxicillin treat acne

As far as acne is concern, this seems to be true. There is no one single treatment that will work for everyone all the time. With that said, quite a number of acne sufferers have found these natural, home remedies useful or even more effective than over the counter and prescription medications. Although these remedies may not be help everyone, for those who find them effective, those remedies work very well.
And then there are homemade facial washes and masks. Garbanzo beans make for a good facial wash while ground almonds and goats milk make for a good facial mask. Diet is also factor in controlling acne. Go with a diet that is rich in beta carotene (found in cantaloupe and carrots) as doing so helps improve acne.
There is a lot of rubbish on the internet about what causes acne. When you've had it for a long as I did and managed to clear it without cleansers or pills, you soon see why people say food has nothing to do with acne - they want you to buy their products!
tags: best food for acne treatment, home remedies to get redness out of acne, does urine really help your acne

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