Monday, August 4, 2008

How to prevent and stop acne and pimples and how to get rid of acne redness

Tip: Raw potato can heal those nasty white-heads, slice a potato just a lilttle and rub it on the white-head, leave on for 15 mins for it to work and then rinse off with warm water.
The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris", meaning "common acne." Many teenagers get this type of acne.
You may also want to use a mild cleanser and facial scrub to exfoliate dirt and old skin cells and unclog skin pores. It is only a myth that eating certain foods can aggravate the condition. The main idea with foods is to keep grease and oil from coming into contact with your face since these can enter skin pores and cause breakouts.
tags: back acne treatment pills, how can i prevent from getting acne when shaving, acne cleansers

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